Thursday, October 16, 2014

How To: Farm Gold In Dragon Nest Private servers...

Playing online games on private servers with ridiculous amounts of exp rates is a great way top have fun. However gaining levels is not as easy as gaining resources, such as gold for dragon nest. Here is one way of earning that needed gold for buying stuff.

1. Proceed to Minotaurs Nest

2. Finish the dungeon and collect all the Minotaurs horn that drops.

3. Go to the Blacksmith and craft Red Army items, Id recommend crafting the shoes/foot gears since the requirements to make it is the cheapest and allows more bang for your buck.

4. Extract the items that you crafted.

5. Open the box that you get, this box has a chance of giving you gold from 10 - 80 gold, so collect a bunch then use an auto opener. On average 100 boxes should yield 1000 gold.

This works for the server Im playing at, it may or may not work for you. Good Luck and happy farming

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Paper Guns

Of course you can make guns out of paper, but did you know you can fire them? yes and the instructions are all a click away. I have yet to try to construct my own paper gun. But I will when I have the time for it. Playing pew pew will never be the same again.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Unusual Meats and Eats

Stuffed Alligator 

The taste and need to consume meat is vital to human life, well I think it is. Chicken, beef and fish are the usual fare served at the dinner table. The phrase "taste like chicken" ubiquitous but is it really true. To me meat is meat, regardless of what animal it came from as long as it was butchered properly. Think about it, animals you would never dream or even try to eat. From Alligators to Whales from Sharksfin to Froghearts it is anything and everything in between. I need to try one of these guys, provided I can find some in my area.

Can it: Bread and Chicken

Canned do

I think that just because you have the means and resources, doesnt necessarily mean that you should do it.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

DMC 4: Long Wallpaper

These things have just been stacking up space in my small HD and figured its time to get rid of em. Taken from the game itself using TexMod, the thing is pretty nifty it can change the games textures and rip some in game images. Google TexMod for more fun

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Unconventional Weapons: 700 WTF Rifle

700 WTF Rifle: The T-Rex Killer

Just a random thought what if the things we feared when we were young, the things that go bump in the night a prime example would be the bogeyman, turned out to be real. Real scary and very malevolent enough to cause harm to people. How would you respond to such unconventional creatures, why with unconventional methods that involve unconventional weapons and the perfect example would be the 700 WTF rifle. A rifle that just seem so good  it had to be true. and the title of the song is Sugar sugar by the Archies

Thursday, July 3, 2014