Monday, February 17, 2014

Hazard symbols: Learning Hazards

Hazard Symbols: Symbolic Radioactive

Hazard symbols are graphical indicators for warning people of the dangers that they may encounter such as hazardous materials, perilous locations, and objects that may cause serious harm such as electric currents, poisons and so on.

The most common symbol would be the skull and cross bones. It’s the defunct symbol for poisonous substances and lethal danger. Pretty much looks like the symbol on a pirates flag.

The next would be the trefoil or the radioactive symbol. The symbol is used to mark highly radioactive substances or location, where prolonged exposure without proper equipment might result in mutations. You will not turn into a super hero from being exposed to radiation most likely death will occur.

The Biohazard symbol is used for labeling biological materials that pose significant health risks. You will always see these in zombie movies where there is an 'outbreak' that causes people to die and come back as the living dead because of a malevolent virus brought upon by science.

Here are more symbols from wikipedia

click me for more symbols

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