Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lightning Shield: The Faraday Cage

Faraday Cage: Lightning Shield

A Faraday Cage also known as a Faraday Shield is a sealed enclosure that has electrically conductive outer layer usually but not limited to a mesh. The cage functions by blocking the external static and non-static electric fields by channeling electricity through the mesh. All in all its a lightning shield.

electric highfive

A heavy duty Faraday Cage can provide shield against direct lightning strikes. Id go into more detail about the science behinf this wonderful device but I think and would recommend the wikipage for it >>wiki faraday cage, the examples on the page are pretty neat. There is information around about making one for yourself, the simpler versions of the shield  ofcourse. Id want to build a heavy duty one, maybe in the future wen money is free flowing.

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