Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mythical:Claimh Solais the sword of light

Claíomh Solais or Claidheamh Soluis is an irish term meaning "sword of light" or "Shining word"

In Irish mythology the Claiomh Solais was a sword that came from Findias and wielded by Nuada of the Silver Hand(Nuada Airgeadlámh) who was leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann(peoples of the goddess Danu) and the King of Ireland. In legend, the mythical sword glowed with an ominous bright light, hence its name the "Sword of Light". It was impeccable in battle and had the power to cleave enemies in half. It is one of the Four Treasures of Ireland (the others being the Spear of Lugh, The Dagda’s Cauldron and the Stone of Fal).

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