Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mythical:Necronomicon the book of Abdul Alhazred

The Necronomicon is a fictional book that appears in the works of writer H.P.Lovecraft(Howard Phillips "H. P." Lovecraft).

The Necronomicon was first mentioned in the story 'The Hound', written in 1922. The book in question contains an account of the Old Ones, their history and the means to summon them to the mortal plane. And so came to be one of the most sought after fictional books of the 20th century. Born from the malign dreams of a posthumous writer, hyped by pranksters and physically manifested for the needs of collectors.

Due to Lovecraft's posthumous fame, his works and the creatures there in have now been immortalized in a way similar to the boogeyman. The Necronomicon is no exception to this for when Lovecraft is mentioned two things come to mind, Cthulhu and the Necronomicon.

Comics, Movies, Board Games, Novels, etc.. have used the book as a plot device for summoning things far beyond human comprehension such demons, zombies and other vile things. The appearance of the Necronomicon varies from looking like a normal hard bound ages old book from the last century to copies encased in ,what seems to be , wrinkled skin with face.

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