Monday, January 6, 2014

Contraption: Mortsafe Anti Ghoul device

Mortsafe: Graverobbers bane

mortsafe is a device that is used to prevent the desecration of “fresh” corpses.  Mortsafes were made to be heavy from materials stone or iron in differing designs. 

mortsafe is placed above the coffin for a reasonable amount of time until the body is moderately decayed. The mortsafe could now be removed and reused elsewhere. The reason for employing such contraptions would be the rampant body smuggling and theft of corpses from one place to another. The destination for the cadaver would be medical schools, where they would be prodded; scrutinized and end up in a jar for future students to ogle at. Such acts were often ignored by authorities turning a blind eye for the advancement of medical science. 

This prompted people to set up watch parties to guide the graves of family members, friends and common town folk. Some even resorted to building towers just to oversee that the graves were not violated.

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