Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to kill vampires: Garlic flavored Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo

How to kill vampires: Garlic flavored Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo

thats some crazy concoction you got going on

I just love Garlic, the way it tastes when you cook it and the smell when its roasted is simply divine. Plus t wards off those shiny scary creeps that sleep in coffins. There is also a lot of interesting trivia/lore regarding garlic and its “mysterious” properties.

-For starters Garlic is also called the “Russian Penicillin”. During World War I when resources and supplies were inadequate and the demand for it was overwhelming. The Russian physicians relied heavily on the natural, antibiotic properties of garlic. Gotta  love those resourceful Russians.

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