Monday, January 13, 2014

Tools of the Trade: Molotov cocktail

Molotov Cocktail: The drink of the masses

lightin it up

The Molotov cocktail is a simple device aimed to cause damage through incendiary means.

The name was coined by the Finnish after soviet foreign minister ‘Vyacheslav Molotov’ who through the Ribbentrop–Molotov pact or Nazi–Soviet pact made sure that Finland was to be under Soviet control. The Finnish despite being invaded and in a fight for their survival was still able to mock ‘Vyacheslav’ through his propaganda.

Molotov bread basket
The propaganda broadcasted on Soviet radio told that the bombing missions rampaging Finland were humanitarian food efforts intended for the starving neighboring countries. The Finnish were not happy being having their country being invaded and bombed to oblivion. Thus the Finnish dubbed the cluster bombs from the raids Molotov bread baskets and when the hand held fire bomb was created to combat the soviet tanks it was aptly named the Molotov cocktail a drink to go with the food.

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