Friday, January 31, 2014

Randomizer: Ravishing a Chinese buffet

-Bring any and all coupons
-Go 20-25 minutes before dinner starts so you can pay lunch prices and eat dinner items
-Plan to be there for 2-4 hours
-Use this time wisely, do not eat a lot very quickly, eat normal amounts until you are full
-If you become full, simply take a 15-20 minute soup or ice cream break
-When break is over, go back in for more
-Always take a bathroom break while you're there
-Only drink water
-Don't be afraid to waste a lot of food if it is cold
-NEVER get salad, salad is filler and wastes space
-Bring a book or watch stuff on your Ipod to avoid boredom
-Some buffets have dinner only items and may want to charge you dinner prices for getting them, you can avoid this by trying to mix with a crowd while acquiring these items and "guarding your plate" at the table.
-Never be fooled by feeling full, in 15 to twenty minutes you can be good for another medium sized plate
-Soy can fill you up, use it sparingly if you have to or just not at all
-Avoid pieces of meat that are mostly coating, tear some of it off and eat what is food
-The American selections are usually crap
-Pick a booth with a lot of room between bench and table, if you start feeling really full it will help you if you can lay down for a while
-Always bring a buddy, if you are laying down and they are still eating they will be less likely to boot you out
-It is always ok to take napkins, silverware and sugar packets from surrounding, unoccupied tables
-Generally, every cup of hot tea deserves 5-7 sugar packets, plan accordingly

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Old School Radio: Frights From The Forties

The 40s, a simple time where men were men and women were women. When the usual fare of entertainment revolved around reading crime novels and radio shows. Radio drama covered from gun totting cow boys to hard boiled detectives and of course my favorite old school horror.

The Quiet, Please website

Quiet Please

Quiet, Please was radio fantasy and horrow program that ran from June 8, 1947 to June 25, 1949. Created by Wyllis Cooper and hosted by Ernest Chappell. Quiet, Please  featured non sequential stories that covered the usual fare of fantasy and horror of demise and dread. Exploring the boundaries of romance, science fiction, family drama with the usual humor from the 40s.
[more info]

You can listen and download the goodness and rather comical cheesiness of old school radio drama here.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to kill vampires: Garlic flavored Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo

How to kill vampires: Garlic flavored Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo

thats some crazy concoction you got going on

I just love Garlic, the way it tastes when you cook it and the smell when its roasted is simply divine. Plus t wards off those shiny scary creeps that sleep in coffins. There is also a lot of interesting trivia/lore regarding garlic and its “mysterious” properties.

-For starters Garlic is also called the “Russian Penicillin”. During World War I when resources and supplies were inadequate and the demand for it was overwhelming. The Russian physicians relied heavily on the natural, antibiotic properties of garlic. Gotta  love those resourceful Russians.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mythical:Mystletainn bane of Baldr

Mystletainn: Underneath the mistletoe

The Mystletainn is the spear which killed Baldr.  When Baldr dreamed of how his own death, his mother Frigg sought of way to protect her son and made every object vow upon this earth that they would not harm Baldr.

The Mystletainn, taken from the Ragnarok MMORPG

However she overlooked the lowly mistletoe believing it to be harmless, she didn’t opt the mistletoe to swear. When Loki learned of this he had the mistletoe fashioned into a spear, in some versions an arrow. He then gave the Mystletainn to Höðr the blind god, the brother of Baldr. Which led to the events of the death of Baldr.

It is rather odd how the Mystletainn is often portrayed as a sword than the spear or arrow it was mentioned to be in the lore. The reason for this might be from the Icelandic saga of Hrómundr Gripsson.
Mystletainn belong a man named Þráinn, having slain four hundred and twenty men with the sword.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Tools of the Trade: Molotov cocktail

Molotov Cocktail: The drink of the masses

lightin it up

The Molotov cocktail is a simple device aimed to cause damage through incendiary means.

The name was coined by the Finnish after soviet foreign minister ‘Vyacheslav Molotov’ who through the Ribbentrop–Molotov pact or Nazi–Soviet pact made sure that Finland was to be under Soviet control. The Finnish despite being invaded and in a fight for their survival was still able to mock ‘Vyacheslav’ through his propaganda.

Molotov bread basket
The propaganda broadcasted on Soviet radio told that the bombing missions rampaging Finland were humanitarian food efforts intended for the starving neighboring countries. The Finnish were not happy being having their country being invaded and bombed to oblivion. Thus the Finnish dubbed the cluster bombs from the raids Molotov bread baskets and when the hand held fire bomb was created to combat the soviet tanks it was aptly named the Molotov cocktail a drink to go with the food.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Contraption: Mortsafe Anti Ghoul device

Mortsafe: Graverobbers bane

mortsafe is a device that is used to prevent the desecration of “fresh” corpses.  Mortsafes were made to be heavy from materials stone or iron in differing designs. 

mortsafe is placed above the coffin for a reasonable amount of time until the body is moderately decayed. The mortsafe could now be removed and reused elsewhere. The reason for employing such contraptions would be the rampant body smuggling and theft of corpses from one place to another. The destination for the cadaver would be medical schools, where they would be prodded; scrutinized and end up in a jar for future students to ogle at. Such acts were often ignored by authorities turning a blind eye for the advancement of medical science. 

This prompted people to set up watch parties to guide the graves of family members, friends and common town folk. Some even resorted to building towers just to oversee that the graves were not violated.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mythical: The Holy Lance

The Spear of Longinus/Ronginus: Holy Lance relics

A simple spear that which pierced the flesh of the son of God, this was after he was crucified and killed of course but some make that the spear was what killed Jesus. It is also called the lance of longinus, the holy spear, the spear of destiny. Longinus was the name of the centurion who owned the spear and used it to pierce the side of the crucified Jesus Christ.

The spear has taken a life of its own, portrayed in pop culture as a relic which grants certain mystical boons. The holy lance mythos is a very interesting topic. Influential leaders who shaped history such as Constantine, Justinian, Charlemagne and recently Adolf Hitler were believed to possess the spear at some point in their lives.  Pop culture has since then incorporated the spear into a myriad of medias from comic books such as Hellboy, Constantine to the more prevalent eastern product Evangelion.

              Apparently you get turned into a Saint after piercing the sides of the Messiah(Saint Longinus)